Roofing Materials

Roofing materials must endure a wide range of elements and extreme temperatures while meeting stringent specifications. Carmeuse offers limestone products and advanced service solutions to address the many challenges you face when manufacturing different roofing materials.

rolled roofing

The Importance of Roofing Materials

Roofing materials, like roofing shingles, are a critical component of building homes and other structures and it’s crucial that they stand the test of time. Roofing manufacturers often incorporate ground calcium carbonate into their formulations to improve the materials' resistance to weathering, UV radiation, and moisture, making them better equipped to withstand the harsh conditions they are exposed to. Roofing shingles should provide reliable protection for homes and buildings while maintaining their aesthetic appeal.

Lime Storage & Conveying Systems

High volume production places high demand on your equipment. Carmeuse Systems provides comprehensive equipment and storage solutions for storage and pneumatic transfer of your bulk materials. Our experienced engineers can design tailored solutions, including new lime handling systems and retrofits or upgrades for existing equipment.

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